Build an Access Team

A team approach ensures that a diversity of perspectives will inform the process of setting and implementing goals. It also encourages accountability through shared responsibility and commitment. Access teams should include multiple staff members from across different levels of leadership, with attention to generational, racial, and ethnic diversity. Teams may also include volunteers, board members, clients, community partners, or community members at large.  If your organization does not have openly LGBTQ staff members interested in participating, teams should consider inviting outside community members to join or connect with a technical assistance provider for support. The Project Lead should inform prospective team members of the time commitment and other expectations of participating.  

Suggested Process:

  1. Create a job description for Access Team members.
  2. Invite members to join. (For large agencies, consider implementing an application process.)
  3. Hold an initial team-building meeting.
  4. Agree on regular meeting times and locations.